“NEW TOPIC”- I Made My Boss Regret Humiliating My Wife’s Appearance in Front of the Whole Office

Colin and his wife, Alice, who work for a tyrannical boss, Mr. Taylor, at a mid-sized company. Alice, initially Mr. Taylor’s personal assistant, is given more responsibility, but her attempt to negotiate a deal for the company ends in failure due to her boss’s unreasonable demands. When the deal falls through, Mr. Taylor humiliates Alice in front of the entire office, calling her a “failure” and mocking her appearance.

Colin, furious at this mistreatment, stands up to Mr. Taylor, but both he and Alice are fired on the spot. Determined to get revenge, Colin discovers that Mr. Taylor is meeting with a woman while claiming to be working. Colin secretly takes photos of the encounter and, knowing Mr. Taylor’s wife would be interested, shares the evidence with her. Mrs. Taylor, shocked by the infidelity and appalled by her husband’s actions, vows to help Colin and Alice.

She promises to reinstate them in their positions and give them a raise while orchestrating Mr. Taylor’s downfall, using the infidelity evidence to gain control of the company. The story ends with Colin feeling hopeful about the future, knowing that he and Alice have a way out of their toxic work environment.

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