NEW STORY -Johnny Got On The Bus…Brilliant continuation in the first comment — Story of the Day 212

Little Johnny got on the bus, sat down next to a man reading a book, and noticed the man had his collar on backward.

Curious, Johnny asked, “Why do you wear your collar like that?”

The man, who was a priest, replied, “Because I am a Father.”

Johnny thought for a moment and said, “My dad is a father too, but he doesn’t wear his collar like that.”

The priest, smiling, explained, “I am the Father of many.”

Johnny nodded and said, “My dad has four boys, four girls, and even two grandkids, but he doesn’t wear his collar like that!”

Growing a bit exasperated, the priest said, “Well, I am the Father of hundreds,” and went back to his reading.

After a moment of quiet, Johnny leaned in and said, “Maybe you should wear a condom and put your pants on backward instead of your collar!”

Little Johnny got on the bus, sat down next to a man who was engrossed in a book, and noticed that the man had his collar on backward.

Curious, Johnny asked, “Excuse me, sir, why do you wear your collar like that?”

The man, a priest, looked up and replied with a gentle smile, “Because I am a Father.”

Johnny, with a puzzled expression, thought for a moment. “Well, my dad is a father too, but he doesn’t wear his collar like that.”

Amused, the priest explained, “Ah, but I am the Father of many.”

Johnny considered this and replied, “Well, my dad has four boys, four girls, and even two grandkids, but he doesn’t wear his collar backward!”

Growing slightly exasperated, the priest replied, “I am the Father of hundreds.” He returned to his reading, thinking that would satisfy the boy’s curiosity.

But after a few moments, Johnny leaned in again and said, “Maybe if you wore a condom and put your pants on backward, you wouldn’t be the father of so many!”

The priest sat in stunned silence, while Johnny grinned, feeling very cleve

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